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According qualified medical experts, massage plays no direct role in weight loss. However, it has many indirect benefits of weight loss, and this makes a great addition to any plan of general weight loss .

First, it is important to know that weight loss only occurs when you consume more calories than they burn . The calorie deficit prompts the body to breakdown fat reserves , which leads to weight loss .

 However, to achieve a calorie deficit , you need an exercise regime and diet control . Massage can help both.

Massage and stress reduction

One of the main causes of overeating and excess consume high calorie , high sugar processed foods is stress. When people are overworked or under severe emotional or mental pressure , seek redress in food. This invariably leads to a surplus calories and weight gain. Massage is known to help relax the body and mind and reduce stress levels by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. The general state of relaxation which induces can help you cope with its pressures, and you can not feel the need to turn to comfort food calories.Massage and Exercise

When people start an exercise regimen or improve an existing product, it is possible to muscle pain, or experience injury. These problems can throw a wrench into a system of exercises to lose weight . Massage is a proven method to stretch the muscles , reduce pain and improve blood circulation. Therefore , improving muscle flexibility , endurance and recovery, and reduces the risk of injury . With these advantages, you can continue your exercise system difficult to lose weight and achieve their fitness goals faster.Improves blood circulation

There is another fundamental relationship between massage and weight loss. As mentioned above, the blood circulation is improved. This means that during the year, you have a better mechanism for the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the muscle cells and remove metabolic wastes from them. This means that your body performs more efficiently during exercise, which means it lasts longer, and you are able to burn more calories.Improvement of skin elasticity

When people lose weight quickly, often have loose, sagging skin . This occurs due to the loss of elasticity of the skin associated with rapid weight loss . With massage , however, the skin remains supple, allowing it to squeeze as you lose weight . This will give you the toned look you want tense .More efficient digestive system

Massage is also known to improve the functioning and efficiency of your digestive system. Facilitate the breakdown of food and elimination of waste. This can prevent your body from storing excess fat . However, there is a lack of conclusive evidence to support this claim .

At the end of the day, if you put all your hopes a massage system , you will not achieve weight loss . It is better if you take active steps to exercise and diet control , and the use of massage as a technique to facilitate their efforts . With this kind of thinking , the massage will certainly be a great addition to your weight loss efforts .

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