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In recent years , more and more people have suggested that the main benefits of coconut oil can provide a wide range of conditions such as weight loss , maintaining cholesterol treatment of skin, hair care, and better immunity so on. The reasons why the coconut oil may provide these benefits are attributed to the chemical components , in particular the medium chain triglycerides .

Health professionals have long been recommending that we reduce our consumption of saturated fats however, the composition of coconut oil is 90 % saturated fat . So it seems that there is an inconsistency and we have to understand why it is often recommended despite its extreme amount of saturated fat.

Proponents of coconut oil that most of these saturated fats are in the form of medium chain triglycerides ( lauric acid, in particular). These triglycerides are claimed to be well absorbed in the body and is used as a source of immediate energy , not stored as body fat than high chain triglycerides are common. He argues that lauric acid is to raise the level of HDL cholesterol in protecting the body is good for the treatment of heart disease .

Benefits for Weight LossThere is much anecdotal evidence that the use of oil as a supplement can lead to effective weight loss ( although I must say that there is little direct evidence to support the claims) . Some people replace other oils used for cooking and food preparation , while others eat on their own, eating three or four tablespoons per day.

Although the reason that can lead to weight loss is not immediately clear , some of the faithful observe which makes you feel fuller and easier to follow a diet low in carbohydrates. There are other claims that increases the metabolic rate to burn more energy .

Benefits for hair careCoconut oil is considered one of the best natural ingredients for healthy hair . Apply regularly on the hair and scalp , then makes the hair shiny and healthy glow . Many people use it as a conditioner and apply after showering . If used on a regular basis, then the antifungal properties may reduce the incidence of dandruff and effectively moisturize the scalp.

Benefits for massageThere are some professional massage therapists who have not tried using coconut oil as a lubricant massage at some stage of his career. Once tried, then a large proportion does not change, as they are like the slip and slide properties depending on their style of massage . The fact that coconut oil is a solid at room temperature can be considered as a drawback for some, but melts quickly with body heat and feels great on the skin after a massage .

Benefits for Skin CareMany professional skin care advise their clients to use coconut oil as part of your skin care diet . That said, however, many complaints aimed at reducing wrinkles and signs of aging should be taken with skepticism because they are not necessarily supported by scientific research .

After briefly describe some of the potential benefits of using coconut oil , it is important to mention that there are skeptics who said that some of the arguments made by proponents are greatly exaggerated and not resist rigorous scientific review . In particular, if you want to use coconut oil to help control heart disease or weight loss , then this is a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting to use as a supplement.

For more information about the great benefits of coconut oil then check .Richard Lane was a mobile massage therapist in Sydney since 2001 with rescue treatment through the western suburbs and east.
