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Why do people become overweight..?

Why, People, Become, Overweight
Why do people become overweight..?

The disturbing statistics have become familiar by now: two of every three Americans are overweight, and one in three is obese. Since the late 1970s, the percentage of adults who are obese has more than doubled — from 15% to 34% without knowing the causes of obesity. If this trend continued with the arrival of the year 2030 half of Americans will be obese. In addition to the heavy weight uncomfortable-physically and psychologically-it is also (see table 1), it also increases the risk of many health problems, including some fatal diseases such as heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

In 2001, the u.s. Government issued a general call for surgeons to work on prevention and reduction of obesity and overweight. But after more than a decade, the message became more pressing as obesity rates (and national health care expenditures) inflation continued. Clearly, there is no easy way to fix and patch. But there is a search for new ways to address the problem, as researchers continue to look at the reasons behind the prevalence of obesity.

 Although scientists have identified many genes contribute to the emergence of obesity but that environmental factors (social, lifestyle) is one of the most important causes of obesity, and is responsible for increasing the American waistline. The bulk of the problem is due to the easy availability of high-calorie foods. Lack of regular exercise, along with the proliferation of inactive posts that constitute another aspect. Social influences, such as government policies and the food industry, where you live and the type of work-all play (see Figure 1). They also contribute to personal lifestyles-for example, increasing pressure and lack of sleep can cause devastating in the rules of procedure of the body and contribute to weight gain.
