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Getting a massage is a great way to relax. More and more persons performing massage as part of your exercise routine . Gone are the days when the massage was given to athletes training for a sporting event . 
 Today , people from all walks of life can save some of your time to enjoy a weekly massage . Everyone except those with certain conditions and diseases , can have a massage and its health benefits .

Massage or massage therapy has been in existence since ancient times. The most recognized benefits of massage relaxation, improves circulation and relieve muscle tension . Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue to enhance function , promote the well - being and relaxation. There are 80 recognized forms of massage therapy worldwide . Some of which are popular Shiatsu.

 Swedish , deep tissue , Thai , reflexology, ayurvedic massage and acupuncture , among others. Massage became popular in the United States in mid- 1800 . It was introduced by two New York physicians based on techniques developed in Sweden. However, it is only in the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 that massage was offered as a core medical service.

The health enthusiasts can get a lot of benefits of regular massage therapy . It can improve flexibility , reduce pain and stiffness and reduces recovery time . This helps to break up scar tissue from previous injuries , including improving circulation and mobility. The massage helps eliminate toxins from the body . Environmental toxins cause stress on the body , and becomes an additional workload for you. Getting a massage can do to help detoxify the body and focus more on its other functions . Massage also reduces fatigue levels . You can work better and longer if your level of fatigue is reduced and recovery time is shorter and you can go to the gym before.

Massage can help you lose weight by reducing cortisol levels . Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. 

 When we are under stress, cortisol is released by the body and triggers the fight or flight . When the body is stressed , which focuses its efforts to cope with stress . Intestines slow or stop the digestion of food . So when we are stressed , we do not feel hungry. This is detrimental to our efforts to lose weight long term , because our metabolism is compromised. Massage as a measure of relaxation can help lower cortisol levels, and there are claims that massage to break down subcutaneous fat capsules allowing it to be reabsorbed by the body. However, these claims are unfounded and there are no studies to support this.

Massage directly affects how you exercise. It makes you feel relaxed and decreases muscle tension. All these benefits help make better and longer exercise. The more you exercise , the more calories you expend. Massage, then indirectly contributes to their weight loss efforts . However, one thing is certain . Massage makes you feel good and that is enough to make it a part of your exercise routine right. After all , the purpose of an exercise routine is to make you feel and look good.

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