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The Science Behind the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet by Joel Marion

Loss Diet by Joel Marion Xtreme Fat is not supposed to be long-term , in fact , it is almost impossible to do anything more than the recommended amount 25 days . The days of fasting and protein shake a day will surely get the best of most people . But those who are willing to go the extra mile and commit to the diet program 25 days will see results that are based on science and not a diet Hollywood gossip .

Joel Marion has played nearly 900 scientific journals and research studies when it comes to losing fat fast and use all this information to create the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet . The main concept behind the power system is cycling calorie and macronutrient intake . The program is a five-day cycle that begins with a day full of trap carbohydrates a day of fasting , a protein shake a day, a normal day of carbohydrates and protein only end a day.

The science behind having the cheat day diet fat loss Xtreme reduced to a hormone called leptin. When Joel Marion has been a similar regime has neglected the cheat day because it was committed to the diet did not think I needed the mental break in your diet. What he found was that he did not lose weight despite the fact that he was an extreme diet. The reason why he did not lose weight because your leptin levels are too low.

Leptin is the hormone in the body that basically says to stop burning fat and thus keep all you can . Back to the day cavemen food was not so easy to find and when there was a Famin , the body stores have been preserved so that the body does not starve too fast. Whereas leptin levels are lower, the excess body fat that could be maintained. This is why having a cheat day in the cycle of fat loss diet Xtreme is so vital to their effectiveness.

The science behind fasting days is that after your hormones leptin levels were reinforced from the cheat day , now is the main time to burn body fat. So the best way is not taking in calories during the day of fasting . The only thing you take in water and chained amino acids that help prevent muscle breakdown branched . This is one reason why fat loss diet Xtreme is so extreme and most people have trouble filling the days of fasting.

Then the fat loss diet Xtreme is the protein drink one day, which basically means that you will only be taken as of proteins. This will be crucial to the success of this program because you're body is still burning calories at a fast pace and excessive consumption of calories will cause the process to stop burning fat . The day is another day moved very difficult in the diet of Xtreme fat loss , but it gets easier from here .

Complete the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet is a day of moderate consumption of carbohydrates, which is essentially to allow the body to recover with some carbohydrates . The body has not really had any carbohydrates in the last two days and you really need a break. And the last day is a protein only day obviously means that only you will be taken to proteins. That you slept back for cheat day where you will have a lot of carbohydrates back to the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet .

Napa Schlottman Josh is a personal trainer and he also has a Napa Boot Camp . For more information about the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review please visit their website. You can also learn more about fitness equipment body weight with its review of TRX Suspension Trainer .
