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Foods that help you feel the vigor and vitality Sarah, &saraxarin

 Foods that help you feel the vigor and vitality

The heat that we experience these days makes us feel lethargic and lazy all day, as our lost energy with high temperatures.

Dr. Laura Paola emphasizes nutrition consultant that there are certain foods that help the body to recharge its energy and vitality and activity.

Eating eggs for breakfast shipping your card continues for a long time, it is a rich source of protein, zinc, phosphorus and chromium, all provide the body with energy and vitality.
Green tea

Drinking green tea improves the performance of all critical body organs, especially the heart, as it is rich in antioxidants and anti-carcinogenic substances, active mind and make you not feel tired easily in the heat.

Contains citrus like oranges, Kiwi, mango, strawberry, grapefruit, Tangerine, apricot vitamin C, one of the elements that revive body and runs its activity.

The nuts are filled with magnesium, which is a rich source of sources that provide the body with energy, when you feel tired take a handful of cashews or almonds or hazelnuts.
Lean meat

When you feel drowsiness and fatigue, beware any hearty foods, which increases the feeling of drowsiness, you can eat lean meat like beef or chicken fat-free, they provide the body with protein, vitamin B12, and tyrosine is an amino acid that lifts mood and increases brain activity.
Leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins A, C, K, and vitamin b, iron, magnesium, vitamin c, folic acid and carotenoids, all provide the body with vitality.
Dark chocolate

Good news for chocolate lovers, you can eat when you feel lethargic, as it subjects the caffeine-rich walflavanol, which promotes blood flow to the brain, which improves concentration levels, but the best eating dark chocolate because they are rich in antioxidants, iron and magnesium.
