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Sleep and Good Health - By Liam A Wills

There are people who lack sleep because of their work schedule or simply because of sleep disorders like insomnia. When we don't get enough sleep, it can be a major cause for the decline of our health. This is because our body has an internal clock. Well, it has actually has many internal clocks -from our brain to our lungs and liver and even our skeletal muscles. Having a body clock or clocks means that our body follows a cycle. Breaking this cycle can lead to health risks. And not getting enough sleep, which is a cycle-breaker, increases our chances of getting sick.

Less sleep can lead to a weakened immune system

Lack of sleep can weaken our immune system, which is why we can get sick when we lack shuteye time. There have been studies that showed that combining stress with less sleep time can interfere with the immune system function. This then increases one's susceptibility to the common cold. A weakened immune system also means a slower time for wounds to heal.

Living in sync with our body clock

One of the cornerstones of excellent health is getting enough slumber time. You may not feel the effects of poor sleeping habits now, but you will in the future. If your lifestyle is in sync with your circadian (24-hour) rhythms, aside from feeling good, you also maintain your optimal health. If you can, try to, in fact, make it a point to establish healthy routines in terms of not only sleeping but also in eating and exercising. Stick to these routines, even during weekends. Breaking the cycle can lead to health consequences.

Sleep and physical health

Eating well and exercising won't assure of excellent health if you don't get enough shuteye time. No amount of healthy food and exercise can compensate for a lack of sleeping time. However, eating a well-balanced diet and performing physical exercises can help you sleep better. If your napping habits are poor, it directly affects your immune system. And again, when your immune system gets weak, your body becomes more vulnerable to certain diseases.

Establish a good sleeping habit

The only solution to getting the sleep you need is to establish a daily routine that allows for it. Make it a goal each day to drift to dreamland for at least 5-6 hours minimum. If you find it hard to sleep at night, there are resources on the web that can help you doze off easily other than counting sheep.
Align with your body's circadian rhythms when it comes to naptime and be in the prime of your health.
If you lack sleep daily, there are ways you can boost your immune system, and one of these is by taking Propolis. You can buy Propolis at
