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Good Health Is About Water - By David F Laverty

Good health is often about the basics, and there is nothing more fundamental than drinking water. Yet, receiving the benefits depends upon the kind of water consumed. Light water is probably the best form available on the market today. It is similar to the water consumed in pristine places, such as the mountains of Tibet or Greenland. Inhabitants of these remote regions have long enjoyed better health and a lower incidence of disease than in other parts of the world.

What is Light Water?

Light water (DDW)) is actually a combination of Hydrogen2-Oxygen plus Deuterium2-Oxygen at a base level of 155 PPM. Deuterium is a variant form of Hydrogen, called "heavy hydrogen" - and in quantities above 155 PPM water is termed "heavy water". Light water has deuterium levels below 125 PPM.

What are the Benefits of Light Water?

According to research conducted in Hungary, Russia, and Japan, cancer cells lose their ability to function, and there is cancer cell shrinkage especially in lung, breast, and prostate cancer. Drinking this water is considered a complement to conventional forms of treatment, such as chemo therapy.
Beyond cancer, consuming DDW also lowers cholesterol, improves diabetic conditions, enhances sleep, and eases emotional stress. Improvement in these areas certainly improves overall health. Until recently, light water has not been available in the United States. This water has been popular in Europe, yet shipping costs to the US were prohibitively high.


DDW is not a magical cure. It is a practical step that anyone can take to improve their health and combat specific health conditions. Since drinking water is essential for health, drinking the best water available is the logical next step. Our moms and grandmothers were right, we need to drink more water. Drinking DDW in combination with other positive health practices is a solid habit that may produce significant results.

Taking Charge of Health

All across the country and around the world, people are taking charge of their health. By eating healthy, taking supplements, increasing exercise, we can maximize our health and minimize our incidence of serious diseases. Millions of people do not consume a sufficient level of water to keep their bodies in a healthy state. First, commit to drinking more water. Next, drink the highest quality of water available. When the effort to consume high quality water is part of an overall health improvement plan, the health results can be positively beneficial.
