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Exercise is necessary for good health . It makes you active and alert in your day to day activities . Exercise promotes digestion , lightness of the body, the strength of the body , reduces body fat and increases the ability to do the job. It increases muscle tone , balance autonomous muscles, voluntary and involuntary , increases the metabolic rate . Exercise makes lungs function correctly and also decrease the gastrointestinal accumulations .

Exercise makes the body sweat , and indirectly kidney function is reduced. It helps eliminate toxins from the body . Daily exercise will increase hemoglobin and blood alkalinity and total protein and also increased red blood cells. Exercise promotes the physical and mental strength and will power and self-control and thus the overall development of the body takes place.

Exercise increases the body's resistance . It also increases the caloric value in the body. It plays an important role in the treatment of depression . It increases hormone beta endorphins, which promote and regulate mood . In diseases as a kind of exercise is recommended . Doctors recommend a kind of gentle exercise in arthritis . Even in cases of accidents and broken bones and paralysis of body some types of exercise are used.

Exercise should be done early in the morning on an empty stomach. When you feel tired , then you better stop. The exercises should be performed to obtain refreshed and relaxed . First start exercising lightly and gradually increase it slowly and in stages, so that your body has to be adapted to the changing environment of the body.

Exercise should be regularly and systematically practiced. Yoga, walking, swimming , cycling, horse riding and tennis , etc. are also a type of exercise . Exercise makes the person to live a long, healthy and happy .

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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