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You tell me that with diet alone , you can lose body fat and you do not have to exercise to lose belly fat . Yes , it is true , as the calories are less than calories expended . But get this, how long can you deprive yourself of food? By diet alone is not enough to create a calorie deficit is needed to burn body fat. In addition , diets too long, the body's metabolism slows down and eventually the progress of your weight loss stops. You still need to exercise to lose belly fat through exercise that can benefit from the increase in metabolism , strength, and burns extra calories.

Remember , we can not specifically lose fat only in stomach , body fat around the body naturally drops as a whole, and possibly stomach fat is also burned . There is no such thing as spot reduction . So what is the best abdominal exercise to lose belly fat? There are mainly two types of exercises , the first cardio is short , you have to do cardio to burn belly fat. Fat is mainly derived from fat cells and transported to the muscles and burn during cardio . The recommended frequency is 4-5 times per week, with no more than three days off in between, the session is 30-60 minutes walking at a relatively high intensity of 70 to 80 percent of maximum heart rate .

The best cardio exercise to lose belly fat would be the stair climber or stepper, treadmill and a rowing machine . These machines use large muscle groups of the body and strength of the muscles to move in a wide range of motion. 2 type of exercise is resistance training . Although this type of exercise is not really lose belly fat, make strong to balance the upper body and lower body abdominal muscles, protect the spinal cord and abdominal muscles stand out. If your abs highlighted , it is easier for people to review its relationship with the abs that are flat, because the abs are thick creates deep abdominal separation between blocks , creating a clear definition. So in this case, resistance training is one of the best exercises to lose belly fat.

For oblique exercise is best to do a rotation. By the rotational movement , which operates the internal oblique , that is responsible for the rotation of the torso . This is a very important exercise to lose belly fat , because it creates an illusion of a small waist . Internal oblique do not grow on the sides when applied to the resistance of the external oblique . Use the medicine ball work internal oblique rotation . Sit firmly shaped balloon , a fellow training support behind you, arms outstretched , holding a medicine ball , rotate the torso and pass the ball to his training partner , then turn the opposite of the medicine ball back your friend and repeat for 30 reps and then do the opposite direction. Another great exercise to lose belly fat is doing abdominal crunches setting superset ball with floor crossing . Place the top of the ball setting in the lower back and place both feet , palms supporting head , chew slowly tightening your abs for a second, then slowly lower . Lie on the floor with your feet together and your palms behind your head , crunch up , lifting the shoulders off the floor , top, right and center turn only until you turn towards the center , drive down again, and then turn left . To do this, set in three sets of 30 repetitions each.

Do not wait ! Start your engines and the hard drive now for six pack. Exercise , diet , do your cardio and I can guarantee the success of weight loss!


I 'm Linda. I work as an accountant in a company of the airline in Australia . I did not , "as he was doing accounting work and gives me no satisfaction or fulfillment . So I was looking for my true talent and ability , and I finally decided to change my career as an article writer and e -business marketing. put my effort into writing articles , creating and designing websites. hope you enjoy my articles and
