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Healthy Weight Loss and Belly Fat Reduction - The Result of Mastering True Hunger

In this article you will learn how to master your true hunger leads to health , weight loss and reduce belly fat . - True hunger is a part of a healthy diet that helps you lose weight.

Hunger is one of the main obstacles to successful weight loss . Start paying attention to your eating behavior . Learn to distinguish the (true - hunger) psycho- physical hunger hunger (hunger in your head) . If you eat when you are hungry , you have at your ideal weight easily.

Hunger is a physical sensation ( feeling hungry , growling stomach) that makes you want to eat. Controls various things physical hunger glucose, the hypothalamus region of the brain, stomach fullness and certain hormones in the body.

Emotional hunger is an emotional response to the pleasure we get from food. When we think, see or smell food, we can get an urge to eat - which is often confused with the need for food . Emotions such as stress , happiness , boredom can trigger emotional hunger . Unfortunately, the psychological hunger is what the majority of society is experiencing today.

The main reason we eat food for nutrition. Emotional comfort and pleasure we get from food is secondary. When you feel the need to eat , to pause for a moment, if you react to true hunger or just a "bad habit."

Here are six secrets of weight loss that you can use to satisfy your hunger :

First, eat slowly . You will find that you are not very hungry . It takes about 20 minutes for the signal "fullness " of the stomach to the brain. Eating slowly is responsible for this period of time and reduce the risk of overeating.

Second, eat " three meals a day . " Allow your body to experience a little way - hungry between meals . Mild hunger is good for your body , indicates that you do not overeat.

Third, if you feel the need to snack , wait 10 to 15 minutes - these units disappear. Hot Drink unsweetened drink to kill the appetite.

Fourth, a large salad with low calorie dressing or no dressing before eating. In one study, participants ate 3 cups low calorie salad with tomatoes , lettuce , cucumber , celery and carrots before eating. 12 % fewer calories at lunch ate .

Fifth, eat plenty of high fiber - foods such as beans , fruits and vegetables. Research shows that these foods reduce appetite . High volume of these foods and water , complete content and feel less hungry .

Sixth, eat moderate amounts of healthy fats (avocado , nuts , wall ) with carbohydrates . When we eat fat , fat cells release leptin hormone in the blood . Leptin tells the brain that have enough fat cells stored in them , as a result , power hunger and appetite sag .

I hope it is now clear that understanding and mastering your true - hunger is the best help for weight loss available. Today we are constantly bombarded by "food - . Stimuli " Controlling hunger will lead to healthy weight loss and reduce belly fat When we choose to eat is important because true . hunger and psychological hunger not .

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