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What Is Testosterone, and What Does It Do?

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced in large quantities in the testicles , in minor quantities in the ovaries , and in small amounts by the adrenal glands. Although classified as a male sex hormone androgen or testosterone plays a role in sexual development of women, as well as affecting the whole body.

In men , testosterone is the key to the development of primary and secondary sex characteristics. It relates to common characteristics associated with puberty that increase muscle and body hair and voice becomes deeper . But it is also essential for overall health , emotional well -being, prevention of osteoporosis and the regulation of mental and physical energy.

Maintain healthy testosterone levels is particularly important for men. Men usually experience a gradual decline in testosterone production after 30 years. As for women , this decline leads to a feeling of fatigue, weakness, depression , and decreased libido .

Testosterone is also important for women , but produce much less. It helps to stabilize mood , maintains muscle mass, improve bone density and contributes to a healthy libido . The ovaries are responsible for more than half of the testosterone production in a woman. Women often complain of loss of energy, strength and sexual desire after a hysterectomy or having their ovaries removed.The symptoms of low testosterone levels include :

sexual dysfunction
Decreased libido / sexual desire
decreased ejaculation
Loss of genital sensitivity
Lack of energy
Moods / Depression
Loss of muscle mass and strength
Increased body fat
Reducing the size and firmness of the testes

What can you do to increase testosterone levels ? A good starting point would be to lose excess weight . Being overweight increases the risk of low testosterone levels. There are also exercises that increase testosterone. Compound exercises and Olympic lifts help increase testosterone levels and foods rich in zinc such as oysters and nuts are known to be natural testosterone enhancers . However, make sure you consult your doctor before beginning an exercise regimen .

With exercise , you can eat a healthy diet containing foods testosterone - amplification such as tuna , salmon and cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli) . Eliminate sugar from your diet or at least use it sparingly . Sugar increases insulin levels which causes testosterone to drop . Include healthy fats such as omega - 3 and lawyers. Make sure to get enough zinc , which is an important production of testosterone nutrients.

Testosterone naturally decreases with age , but with some changes simple lifestyle that keeps you healthy, virile and sexually potent .
