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Weight Loss: Losing Stomach Fat At The Gym

Consistency is the key to losing stomach fat to the gym

Woody Allen said, "80% of success is just be yourself " and there is much truth in this statement Losing belly fat successfully and permanently keep to no one . what diet or weight reduction supplement . The only thing that will work for you long term is good nutrition and consistent exercise.

Burn more calories than you consume

To lose weight or , more importantly , your body fat , you must burn more calories than you consume. It is a fact , a physical law of the universe that says that all the energy is stored as heat or mass. The mass in this case is the fat that clings to your body with evil , especially around the stomach area .

Its aim is to convert your energy from fat into heat by work or exercise. Work your body needs energy , which may come from the calories in the food you eat , or reserves in your body tissue , which is easier for your body to convert or burn . The calories you've just eaten will be burned first, then your body starts converting body tissues .

Good nutrition will help with any weight loss program exercise. You can get an idea of how small dietary changes can make a big difference in this article : Foods that help you lose weight.

How long will you get rid of belly fat?

A very general rule of thumb states that to burn one pound of fat you have to do 3,500 calories worth of exercise. Remember that your fat burning once you've used the calories in the food you just ate . If you are weight remained stable or increased or decreased prior to start going to the gym, then you know that all the extra exercise you do will help you burn belly fat .

How much exercise you do in the gym of course vary , and calorie counters on exercise machines is not as accurate as you might think , but it will give a rough idea of ​​the number of calories you burn . Broadly could burn 10 calories per minute jogging on a treadmill, so if you make a routine mixing machines and maybe a bit of weight or perhaps a class of 500 calories per session is quite feasible.

You can not lose stomach fat fast and permanently keep waiting

But you think that 500 calories per session not going to lose belly fat quickly if 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat you need and you're right . This is why most people can not lose weight by going to the gym. They do not realize that losing belly fat requires consistency so bought a couple of times a week for a couple of weeks and do not see any improvement to leave .

500 calories a day is a pound of fat in a week if you go to the gym every day. To lose a pound of fat per week is a safe and healthy way to lose weight and you should find that it is not difficult to maintain in the long run.

If you are too busy to go every day like me, then 3-4 times a week is a good goal to reach . This should allow you to lose a pound of fat every 2 weeks, which is a great weight loss plan long term.

The systematic application of exercising regularly if the gym , pool, work or just walking your dog is the key to losing belly fat.

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