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Simple Tips on Lower Body Workouts

The human body especially in the lower half contains some of the larger, stronger muscles that are capable of carrying heavy loads or weight . For anyone who is looking to start an exercise program at home or in a gym , there is a temptation to start work immediately on disk and quick. When you start your training program, it is not advisable that you can injure your body before you start working on . For lower body exercises , start working the major muscle groups of the legs and lower back with weightlifting machines that target the major muscle groups slowly , so that you can get the results you want . 

 What I mean is that if you start in squads and go over what you will experience immediate pain and pain in the muscles of your quad to cause exhaustion and the end of their training program . I 'm not saying that squatting itself is bad at all so you should learn how to properly train your other muscles in the legs and lower back before they start taking about a month or two in the squad road so squads will pose properly so that you do not strain the lower back or pull the leg muscles .

Briefly discuss in this article some basic anatomy of the lower body , and which are divided into five major muscle groups, and are:

A. The calf muscle . These two muscles are just on the backs of the leg just below the thigh may seem small and insignificant , but if you include the training of the calf muscles in your routine, jump higher and run faster .

Two . Gluteus maximus . The muscles in this area are the buttocks.

Three . Hamstring muscle . It is important that you familiarize yourself with this group of muscles in the legs because if not, can result in serious injury to the muscle.

April . The group of hip flexors . This type of muscle is weak and is in the pelvic region before the lower body . What is this muscle that can help you increase your legs.

May . Quad muscle group . This group of muscles is the workhorse of the entire lower body , as it can help you make squads , leg press exercise sessions and other lower body training .

It is very important to know the best muscles found in the lower back and legs so you can know what kind of exercises you need to focus on to achieve to achieve the results you want. For beginners who want to learn how to strengthen your lower I'll give you some simple training sessions you can do at home or at the gym to get the results you want and here are the regions:

A. The leg press exercise is a useful training that works in all three muscle groups : the quadriceps , hamstrings and small portions of the gluteus maximus . The real work on it and you need to do is 10 to 20 repetitions for a game.

Two . Now, if you want to add size and definition of your quad muscles in the legs, then you should do the workout leg extension . I recommend that you should aim for 10 to 20 repetitions for three sets only .

Three . To help build the hamstrings , you should find a weight machine that will help you do hamstring curls. This exercise machine will isolate the thigh muscle group so you have to do three sets of 10-20 reps .

April . At the beginning of this article , I discussed the importance of the calf muscle to help you jump higher and run faster in order to accomplish what you need to do the exercise standing calf raise , at home or in the gym of 10 to 20 repetitions for three sets.

May . For another exercise that will help strengthen the bottom of the calf muscle is called lift heels sitting and you need to do 10 to 20 repetitions for only three sets.

Now that I've talked to different groups of muscles in the lower body and the type of exercises you need to focus on here is what your training program should look like :

Update : abs , biceps and back workouts

Second day: abdominal , shoulder and hamstring exercises

Three days training muscular forearm , calf and quadriceps

Day Four : abdominal, chest and triceps muscle group workouts

However, this training program includes exercises upper body , but the thing is that if you are mainly focusing on your lower body workouts , which would be ridiculous people definitely will see the body in this way, but the lanky body less smooth and superior. You do not want that to happen to you.

So you see , it is important not only to work the upper body , but also the bottom so you can get the fitness results you've always wanted .

To learn more about how you can build muscle or lose weight , click here for additional information that will help .
