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Abdominal Exercises - Relieve Back Pain and Lose Your Love Handles With the Side Plank Exercise

Many people try to perform lateral and lateral flexion - endless crisis and lose your love handles slim size . In this article I will show you exercises side plank . Not only the exercise of the side boards give superior results compared to other exercises that I mentioned, but also make your lower back more resistant to injury by improving the stability of the spine.

What works ?

Side table works mainly three of his abdominal muscles. Two abdominal muscles and lower back muscles :

Abdominal external oblique muscle extending from the side ribs diagonally pelvis forward .
Internal abdominal oblique muscle which extends from the side of the ribs diagonally rearwardly basin
Place lumbar back muscle that extends from the hip bone ( iliac crest) to the spine ( the lumbar transverse processes of the first four vetebrae ) .
To perform the side plank exercise :

Starting Position : Lie on the side , upper supported by the forearm at an angle of ninety degrees to your body body. Your arm from the elbow to the shoulder, should form an angle of ninety degrees with the ground. Your body should be entitled to a proper alignment of the spine and feet on top of the other.
Tighten your abdominal muscles and legs while using his arms to push in a good position occasional table with a proper alignment of the spine.
Final position: Hold the plank position on the side with the head , spine and legs straight with good postural alignment .
Common mistakes in the execution of this exercise are :

Hips fall to the ground . This means that you are too tired and unable to maintain good form or lack of body awareness to feel good place . Use a mirror to check your technique and stop exercising when you can not keep a good shape
Poor neck position . Make sure to maintain strict alignment of your neck during exercise.
How do they work?

Side table works its magic by forcing them to take a position without moving. Instead of the lateral muscles of the trunk challenge for them operates through a range of movement , the side table works by preventing movement isometric contraction . This develops muscle strength and stability is the ability to maintain good postural position supported by time. Spinal rehabilitation expert Dr. Stuart McGill considered this year as one of its first three years to treat painful back. Another advantage is that because there are more muscles involved , you increase your metabolic rate and burn more calories than other abdominal exercises isolated.

How to integrate them into your workout

My recommendation to start using these exercises at the beginning of your workout . Start with 2 sets of 45 seconds on each side and is sure to start with your weaker side first .

What if you can not maintain for 45 seconds?

If you can not make a second cave 45, the position and hold as long as you can then rest for the same amount of time , that is, if you can keep the side plank position for 15 seconds and then rest 15 seconds before returning to the position. Repeat until you have scored 45 seconds after the execution of the other side. Each workout , try to keep the long position until you can hold a second 45 with good form .

Ted Ryce is a personal trainer Miami Beach who specializes in fat loss and body sculpting exercises for injuries.

Visit my website for more information on fitness , exercise for injuries and Personal Training Miami Beach.
