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Between parties , regular barbecue ( with salty snacks and fruit drinks ) , summer is a difficult time to stick to a regular exercise program and a healthy diet . September, however , is the perfect time to start again : The kids are back in school, the afternoon sun is a bit cooler, and we settle back to a regular routine. It's time to get motivated and focus on you!

If you are a beginner , start over or re- energize your workout routine , be sure to include the following five key elements of a well-rounded health and fitness plan elements.

A. Healthy eating . A health plan and solid physical form begins by cleaning your diet. I often tell my clients that you can not out- exercise poor nutrition . For maximum results (either to lose weight , feel better , and improve energy levels or strength) , you must provide your body with the right kinds of foods. A diet rich in lean protein , healthy fats , fruits and vegetables and whole grains is recommended to get the results you deserve.

Two . Build your strength. Resistance training exercises are important to maximize fat loss , increase metabolic rate, improve posture, and bone density and to get that "tone" look. Try to work the muscles at least twice a week. To get maximum results in minimum time , choose exercises that work multiple muscle groups. My go to strength training program include full body squats, lunges , pushups, rows ( Saca ) , back extensions and somehow the board. With a well-balanced program to meet your goals , you can get in and out of the gym in 30 minutes or less and get the body you want can be was still bikini season !

Three . Keep your heart rate . Health Canada recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise during the week for health benefits . If you're new to exercise , or if your goal is simply to maintain a certain level of health, Health Canada recommendation will. If your goal is to lose body fat or improve your fitness level , you can have two longer work, or increasing the intensity level. Interval training , or cycling short interval between high intensity exercise and rest intervals easier is a great way to burn fat and improve your fitness level in no time .

April . Stretch . To recover from exercise , prevent injury and improve your posture , you have to stretch . When muscles are tense , but the body has to change their patterns of movement to compensate for a crowded area . This will often result in injury. What are the muscles you need to stretch depends on your posture and flexibility at each joint . Most of our customers benefit from stretching the muscles of the chest, hip flexors ( front of hip ) , quadriceps , calves and lower back .

May . Accountable to someone . You have the option of having a coach , friend, dog, or an app on your iPhone, accountable to someone (or something) else will help you stay committed to your health and fitness routine . Make plans with someone else to drive if you have someone counting on you probably make your appointment !

Tanja Shaw is a Kinesiologist and Fitness Coach , specializing in weight loss, group fitness, pre and postnatal fitness , and health and wellness programs . Ascend has fitness coaching , home Ascend Fitness Boot Camp, Stroller Boot Camp and personal training programs . For more fitness tips
