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5 Fool Proof Tips to Help You Lose Body Fat Fast (and Why They Work)

Everyone wants to look good , be healthy and be comfortable with themselves . One of the best ways to do this is to reduce your body fat and thus improve your personal image. The problem is that there is a lot of misinformation on the Internet about it.

I want to offer some ideas and tips on what is scientifically true , and I used it in my own experience with the regime. I lost 13 pounds in just 5 weeks using the principles of this article. My waist size of 34-31 inches and a half more or less and a reduction of 7 % of body fat .

So here are my top tips that are guaranteed to help you lose fat fast .

A . Eating fewer calories than you burn

Perhaps the most important factor in determining their success with fat loss and get the body you want to consider . It's so ridiculously simple, it is incomprehensible that he gets little coverage and few people seem to believe. However, eating less calories than you burn in a typical day to work . It's basic biology .

Let's say your body burns 1800 calories per day to function. This is known as your basal metabolic rate or BMR . What this means is that exist only to be alive and breathing causes your body to burn this amount of calories each day.

Now we will add to this figure , the amount of calories you burn each day to be active. This includes the type of work you do and if you do any exercise. For the purposes of this example , let's say the number is 400 calories. Adding this 1800 give a maintenance level ( total daily energy expenditure ) of 2200 calories.It seems obvious now that if you were to eat less than 2200 calories, you lose weight , eat more than that and you will gain weight and eat more or less the same and you will always have the same weight.

Accepted for the number of healthy fat loss consumes 500 calories less than your maintenance level every day. So goes the old number , if you eat 1,700 calories per day, you should feel a steady decline in body fat.To calculate your BMR level and maintenance just follow this formula ;

BMR = 66 + ( 13.7 x weight in pounds ) + ( 5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years)

Notes :1 inch = 2.54 cm .1 kg = 2.2 pounds .example BMRYou are 25 yearsYou are 6 feet tallIt weighs 220 poundsYour BMR is 66 + (1370) + (914) - ( 170) = 2180 calories

To determine your total calories daily needs , now multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor , as follows:

If you are sedentary - little or no exerciseCalorie calculation = BMR x 1.2

- If you are lightly active ( light exercise / sports 1-3 days / week)Calorie calculation = BMR x 1.375

- If you are moderately active ( moderate exercise / sports 3-5 days / week)Calorie calculation = BMR x 1.55

- If you are very active = BMR x 1.725 ( hard exercise / sports 6-7 days / week)Calorie calculation = BMR x 1.725

- If you are more active ( hard daily exercise / sports and physical job or 2X day training a )Calorie calculation = BMR x 1.9

Total Calorie Needs Example

If you are lightly active , multiply your BMR ( 2180 ) by 1.375 = 2.997

Therefore, the total daily caloric requirement is 2997 calories.

This is the total number of calories you need to maintain your current weight.

Therefore, simply subtract 500 calories from your final number and fat loss is 100% GUARANTEED .

Two . Diet vs cardio, there is only one winner

It is easy to be fooled by the idea that to lose fat , you have to pop the ass on the treadmill. Obviously cardio has many health benefits and I 'm certainly not saying that you should not do , but as far as fat loss'm say that always comes second to your diet.

You can run until your feet explode but if your diet is crap , then always go go two steps forward and one reverse . You've heard the old adage " you are what you eat" and , to some extent , this is true. What you eat and goes in the example above , the amount that you eat, you will have a greater influence on the results do cardio and neglect their diet.

Think of it this way. You spend an hour in the gym on the treadmill to burn 500 calories and you feel very proud of you. Why not run for an hour is hard work . The problem is, you can reject those 500 calories by not paying attention to your diet . A bar of chocolate or a glass or two of wine is all it takes to put these back calories.

If you are not 100% over your diet, it is easy to fall into the mindset of "just will not hurt , I break your ass in the gym today , and I ' I won . "

Doing cardio will help you lose fat , but you should always remember that you need to have your diet under control first. This is the absolute minimum. But you start to wonder why you do not see the results you expect .

Three . Watch this insulin spike

Insulin is an important hormone in the body. This is higher after a meal and a lower level during fasting level . The simplest explanation ... insulin helps store nutrients in the foods you eat.

Why you should look out for is because high insulin levels cause your body to store fat . In fact, if insulin levels are too high, so no matter what you do , your body will not even begin to burn fat.

It is fairly easy to maintain low and stable insulin levels , all you have to do is to keep your carbs and sugar to a minimum.

A surefire way to manipulate your body and increase your fat loss is to make sure not to mix carbs and fats in the same meal. So that means you can eat carbohydrates and proteins together, and proteins and fats together.

A good example of carbohydrate and protein meal is rice and chicken.

A good example of a meal and fat protein is chicken and egg mayonnaise low in carbohydrates.

April. Training before your first meal of the day

The absolute best time of day to do your training before breakfast . The main reason for this is because you just spent the last 8 hours or more of sleep, and was probably a good 10 or more hours since I ate. His body is now in a state of fasting, when your glycogen levels are low.

This helps to burn fat at the beginning of your workout , your body uses a greater proportion of fat as a primary energy source.

Another good reason is that it will give your metabolism a boost. You not only calorie burning stops when the training stops. Depending on the intensity , you can keep burning calories for several hours after . A high intensity training session , the kind where you sweat buckets and gasping for breath will keep your body in a state of burning fat for up to 12 hours.

It is very important to do , make sure you have some liquid inside advance. It is very likely that you will be dehydrated when you wake up, even if you feel well.

May Ignore the ladders and the mirror

This is a very strange advice, but I find very beneficial for you. Scales can lie and mirror can fool you completely.

It's very addictive to monitor your daily progress , especially when you start to see results. However, this can completely distort the way they perceive their progress.balanceSpeak first scales . Your weight can and will fluctuate daily . There are many reasons for this, such as water retention , the amount you have eaten recently , even different scales give very different results. What you need to do is weighed weekly , as a Monday morning when you wake up. Always use the same scales , digital if possible and do not forget that just because you lost a few pounds , it does not always mean fat. 

 Perhaps the water weight that you will lose water weight before fat really begins to fall. mirror

Now for the mirror. Our eyes deceive us every day without noticing anything , which as you can imagine, could wreak havoc on our self-perception. Sometimes we only see what we want to see. How many times have you looked you wear a particular item of clothing and I thought you looked fat in it , although a few days before , but it looked very nice. It is common and each person thinks these things from time to time .It is not to mention the variables such as lighting , time of day , the distance from the mirror . Only produce many different and are not a reliable indicator of progress results.

So what can you do?

Well , the band is probably the most accurate way to measure your progress . Simply measure your stomach around the navel , hips around the maximum protrusion of the buttocks and thighs around much . Once the above , do not do it every day, but once a week is fine and probably make smaller steps.

So there you have it, my 5 tips to make the experience fat loss as easy as possible. If you have any advice on what may have worked for you, do not hesitate to leave a comment below .

I'm Jamie and I am the author of site where I talk about how to quit your job , find your passion and live on their own terms .
