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Top 10 Exercises For A Slim Waist

Top 10 Exercises For A Slim Waist

Tags Abdominal Exercises, Best Exercises For A Slim Waist, Bharadvaja’s Twist, Bicycle Crunches, Cardio, Exercises, Exercises For A Slim Waist, Flutter Kicks, Get A Slimmer Waist, Hanging Knee Raises, How To Get A Slimmer Waist, How to Get a Smaller Waist, How to Slim the Waist, Leg Exercises, Long Lever Crunches, Planks, Seated Rotations, Slim Waist, Stretch Exercises, The Pilates Hundred, Top Exercises For A Slim Waist, Workout Exercises

Martha, a homemaker for 12 years, was suffering from chronic depression and low self esteem. The reason, many would ask, was her obesity and a huge waistline that marred her appearance and made her loathe herself. Well, there is no time lost to reduce that ugly fat around your waist and there are end number of cardio and weight training workouts that can be done to have a perfect slim waist. The list begins here:

1. Hanging Knee Raises

Probably, one of the most effective ways to loose waist fat is the hanging knee raises workout routine that helps you lose tremendous amounts of fats around your lower abs and also tones them down. For doing these, you would need a pull up bar and lots of vigour! You need to have a good grip around the bar with your shoulders squeezed up and your knees pulled up towards your chest. The trick is to pull them up in a way that does not strain the muscles. Now, you need to lower the knees down and make a straight posture. Repeating this around 5 to 10 times is good to start.

2. Cardio

Waist slimming needs you to engage in a number of cardio workouts like swimming, running, sprinting, cycling. There are others like rope jumping and dancing that help you tone down fast. Doing 30 minutes of cardio workouts every day will help you gain a slim waist in a matter of a few days. One can also mix and match a variety of cardio to prevent boredom from setting in their routine.

3. Seated Rotations

There are two basic tools that are needed to do this exercise routine, one is a medicine ball and the other is a stability ball. For doing this exercise, you would need to place yourself with a straight back on a stability ball, with a medicine ball held, in both the hands, placed in front of your chest. The hands should be straight. Now, rotate from left to right, while sitting on the ball with an erect lower back. Repeat this drill without moving your head in any other direction, but, straight. This is done to reduce fat around the waistline and helps in giving a curvy shape to it.

4. Flutter Kicks

This is a good way to reduce the flab around the waistline and is done lying on the floor with your face positioned towards the ceiling. Placing your hands over your tailbone is a must for doing this exercise, as; this would prevent any undue pressure affecting your spine when you are lifting your legs for doing flutter kicks. The legs have to be placed about 6 inches away from the flooring. While, placing one leg on the ground, you need to lift your other leg to a height of about 2 to 3 feet. Now, bring back the right leg and start with the other leg. You need to repeat this number of times for best results.

5. Planks

For doing these, you just need to maintain a straight posture, wherein, your shoulders and heels are arched straight. Just lie down on the floor and place yourself in a position that helps you place your forearms and toes to be in touch with each other. Then, pull your abs muscles and straighten your back. Maintain this position for about 30 seconds, then release. Repeating this exercise will definitely help you lose tons of waist flab.

6. The Pilates Hundred

This is a floor exercise and is done by lying on the back. Place your hands on both the sides of your body with your knees placed above your chest. You need to start lifting your chin and chest, while, at the same time, raise your legs up. Keep in mind to place your shoulder blades above the floor when doing this. Now, your arms need to be placed a bit higher off, from the floor with you, moving them upwards and downwards for a couple of seconds, about 6 times. Make sure that you inhale and exhale while moving your arms, i.e., exhale and move your arms about 6 times, then, inhale and do the same thing again for another 6 times.

7. Bicycle Crunches

You need to lay straight on your back with your hands placed on the sides of your head. Now, your body needs to be lifted up and placed into a semi circular posture, or, as we say, a crunch posture. Now assume a cycling motion, whereby, your right elbow should be brought closer to your left knee with your right leg extended in front. Now do this to your other leg. Repeat.

8. The Teaser

You need to form a V shaped position, wherein, your legs and arms should seem to touch your feet up towards the ceiling. Now, your legs should be lowered down while you exhale. Do this slowly till you are back to lying straight on the floor. Repeat.

9. Long Lever Crunches

You need to lie on your back with your heels placed on a bench. Now, form a V shape, wherein, your abs are squeezed from within and your fingers are clasped, as you extend yourself to touch your feet. Repeat this couple of times and relax. Maintain the position of your arms above your head.

10. Bharadvaja’s Twist

A yogic exercise, this exercise helps to strengthen your internal muscles and organs. Assume the posture of a mermaid, wherein, you sit on your right hip with folded legs on your left. Now, take a twist towards your right shoulder and look up, all the while, holding on to your left elbow with your right hand. Keep your breath in for a cool 4 seconds, and then exhale. Repeat the exercise. Doing this twist helps you to stretch your lower back and obliques.

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