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Nutrition for Good Health

Nutrition for Good Health

A healthy diet helps keep the body strong, full of energy, and work at its best. This means eating a variety of foods from the five food groups every day:



-Bread and cereals

-Alternatives to meat and meat

-Dairy products

It is a good idea to know the five food groups, so you know what foods match the food groups and how much each of your food. See Australia's Guide to Healthy Eating (new window). Snacks, drinks, and other "extra" foods are usually high in fat, salt, or sugar. They are not healthy because they do not give your body the nutrients it needs. You may have it from time to time, but overeating is not good for you.

Tips for healthy eating:

-Eat 3 meals a day - breakfast, lunch, and dinner - and healthy snacks in the middle, such as tea in the morning and in the afternoon. This gives your body the fuel it needs to continue throughout the day and prevents you from feeling hungry at your next meal.

-Eat a variety of foods from the five food groups each day - fruits, vegetables, bread and cereals, meat products or meat and dairy products. This will give you all the energy, vitamins, and minerals your body needs.
-Embark on sugary and fatty foods such as flies, soda, fries, and fried foods. Many people can be harmful to you and cause you to gain weight.
-Drink plenty of water throughout the day. To see how much water you need to drink, click here: hydration drinks

Avoid diets

There is no "good" or "bad" food, so you do not need to cut certain foods out of your diet altogether. All foods can be part of a healthy diet - they only consume them in the right amounts. You should eat fruits, vegetables, and dairy products every day, but too sweet and fatty foods in the "casual" basket.

What girls need - calcium and iron

Teenagers need calcium-rich foods to build strong bones and teeth. You also need iron to protect against iron anemia - a condition that can make you pale and feel tired all the time. It is a good idea to know what foods are rich in calcium and iron, and if they give you good things.
