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Secrets of the slim body .... by Sarah, &saraxarin

 Secrets of the slim body

 Secrets, slim, body
To keep the body limber you are on foods that help burn fat.

1. Chili: did you know that heat helps the body burn more calories? It raises the body temperature and heart rate and stimulates the metabolism. You don't have to exaggerate it, one hot meal a day active metabolism for up to three hours after eating.

.2-brown rice: Cook may take longer than the normal white rice but the result is worth the wait. It is very rich in fiber and prevents accumulation of fat in the body.

3. the porridge and oatmeal can be dealt with in the morning instead of breakfast cereal, it will help your body get ready to burn large quantities of fat throughout the day, and you can add some natural sweeteners to them such as bananas or honey.

4. chicken: chicken, white meat gives a feeling of satiety for longer because this type of food requires energy (thermal isarat more) to digest protein more than the energy needed to digest carbohydrates or fat.

5. almond: almond snack healthy helps to burn fat. Eating a small amount of almonds will keep your energy without feel a desire to eat sweets.

6. cinnamon: Sprinkle a small amount of cinnamon warm up food speeds up the process of burning fat by increasing the metabolic rate.

7. Green tea: as food, some drinks can help burn fat, drinking green tea, for example, promotes the process of IP as well as clean the body with a large amount of antioxidants.

8. milk: milk helps to burn fat because of the rich in calcium, but always choose low-fat or skim milk manaldsm or even organic milk if your budget permits.

9. coffee: you should not exaggerate the coffee despite its benefits. It speeds up the heart rate to burn fat but the amount of caffeine in coffee may generate a craving for sweets. Just two cups of coffee a day or 3 business and better to be sugar-free course.

10. eggs: why not eat boiled eggs for breakfast? In addition to that, very tasty, rich in protein which increase rate of metabolism and enhances energy, and it also contains vitamin b.

11-12-fish: fatty fish like salmon contain mackerel healthy fats make you feel satiety and reduce rates of leptin that causes hunger, also demonstrated the benefits of fish on the brain, joints and skin.


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  1. Thanks for posting this tips on slimming. This doesn't work for everyone though. For realistic results, you can try getting a tummy tuck procedure .


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