Pregnancy normally occurs after a complete fertilization. This natural process occurs when semen is introduced into the oviduct of the female through sexual intercourse. However, there is an artificial alternative to this process. Through artificial insemination, also known as AI, semen can be introduced into the oviduct through physical means. This practice is primarily established to improve the breeding system of the domesticated animals. Farmers have continually used it to assist their animals with breeding problems or even improve the breeding process for better yields.
AI is used in case the male animal is heavier than the average weight required for mating. If such males are allowed to mate they could harm the females. Instead, farmers remove semen from them and inject into the reproduction system of the female. Cross-breeding is also one of the end results of AI. The practice allows an animal to give birth to a more productive offspring. For example, the offspring would be more productive than the parents if the cross-breed is between an indigenous and hybrid animals.
AI has also been extended to deal with other problems such as sickness and in-breeding. With the new discoveries in technology, the method has now been extended to humans. In this, the procedure is viewed as the ultimate compliment to the natural sexual intercourse. Medics primarily use the practice to solve some of the reproduction issues. However, AI is also a remedy to other complications of reproduction.
Fertilization often fails when a woman has a problem with her immunity system. In such a case, the system reacts to the sperm as it would to a pathogen or bacteria. Therefore, the AI would be used as an alternative for getting a child. Often the fetus can develop outside the reproduction system of the woman.
An incubator is normally used as the artificial womb. Semen and Ova are then placed in the incubator and left to fertilize. The incubator provides the same conditions provided by a womb. As such, the semen and ova can fertilize and develop into a fetus. Basically, women are the primary recipients of AI.
In case the woman is having problems with the cervix, AI can be deployed to enable her have a child. Some of the common cervical problems include; endometriosis, scarring and cervix blockage by mucus deposits. With the help of the AI, however, such problems are just solvable.
Men are not exception to this methodology, especially the impotent ones. Research has revealed that sperms collected from one donor can serve even two women. However, these sperms are usually used in women whose partners are infertile.
Medics apply two major methods of collecting sperms from the donors. One of these involves allowing the donor to masturbate in a small tin. Similarly, the collection tube can also be used to collect sperms during the intercourse. The AI is conducted under certain conditions, which only allows the practice to be conducted with the sperm bank facility. If planning thinking of going through the procedure, you should discuss with your partner and visit a medical professional. He or she will then advise you on the possibilities and best way to do do it.
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