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IFTTT update: Introducing the Pryv Channel June 17, 2014 at 05:57PM

Pryv is a new product that empowers you to collect, browse, and share your personal data at a glance.

Collect photos, notes, numbers, and files from all kinds of sources into your own private space.

IFTTT Recipe: Pryv my instagram pictures connects instagram to pryv

IFTTT Recipe: Pictures in Facebook stream are automatically uploaded to my Facebook connects pryv to facebook

IFTTT Recipe: Pryv records of my calendar connects google-calendar to pryv

IFTTT Recipe: Log my weight (in Lb) in fitbit connects pryv to fitbit

IFTTT Recipe: Pryv my favorite music from SoundCloud connects soundcloud to pryv

For more Recipe inspiration, visit the Pryv profile on IFTTT.
