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Conscious Clothing - Fashionable And Environmentally Friendly - by Tom Brady

If you are worried about environmental issues today, you are not alone. One can recycle garbage but those efforts are just not be enough to make a huge difference. Fabric is a billion dollar industry and the manufacturing process has a major impact on the environment. Once you decide to purchase conscious clothing, you make a statement that the eco system is important to you, and you are willing to take the next step to help save future generations.

Just because clothes are eco conscious does mean they have to be boring or drab. It takes more effort and expense to use only inks or dyes that are environmentally friendly, but it can be done without sacrificing beauty or fashion. Many eco friendly clothes are made by hand with great care and craftsmanship. This insures that you receive long wear and durability. Your sustainable clothing will be functional as well as trendy.

Conscious clothes made from hemp are very popular these days. Hemp has a long history of important uses like rope, twine, and strong and durable canvas material. In fact, hemp is one of the strongest fabrics you can buy today. It is extremely versatile and is used for making shirts, pants, hoodies, and other apparel.

Hemp can be grown organically without the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Also it is a sustainable product that is planted like crops, and only takes four months to mature. It is easy to grow and produces a high yield per acre and there is no waste with hemp, as every plant part is used and processed.

Bamboo is becoming a popular choice for modern day eco fashion. You can see bamboo in all sorts of products including flooring, curtains, and it also makes excellent clothes. Bamboo shirts or pants are made from breathable material, so you stay nice and cool in the summertime. In fact, "wicks" sweat away from the body. Bamboo is also a good material for enjoying cold weather, as its breathing properties make it a good insulator.

Bamboo is a good choice for eco conscious consumers, as it grows in the wild and there is no need to cultivate it with harsh chemicals or insecticides. Also, bamboo does not leave a footprint upon the environment. It is harvested by cutting the stalks, so the soil is not dug up or disturbed. Bamboo uses very little natural resources like water, and the fabric is 100 percent biodegradable.

Those concerned about conscious fashion trends will appreciate the many selections available in organic cotton. Fifty percent of cotton in the world is not grown with natural methods and this places a strain on eco systems. When you choose organically produced cotton, you are taking advantage of growing methods like beneficial insects and special equipment for harvesting. Your cotton clothes will be soft and comfortable as well as environmentally friendly.

If everyone does not take a greater part in conserving natural resources, it could be a dismal world for those of the future. Sustainable fashion has many important benefits. You can enjoy quality clothing and help the environment at the same time.

Explore the concept of <a href="">conscious fashion</a> and its role in the environment by reviewing our blogs. To buy <a href="">conscious clothing</a> today visit our online store.

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Title: Conscious Clothing - Fashionable And Environmentally Friendly
Author: Tom Brady
Keywords: Conscious clothing,eco fashion,conscious fashion
Word Count: 519
Category: Health & Fitness
