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Getting A Spray Tan For Dummies

These days, people do not want to be totally fair anymore because tans are now in and having darker skin may actually be healthier than having fairer skin. Now because of technology these days, it is actually possible to get tans without having to spend hours and hours under the sun. One can be able to do this with a spray tan.

Now even if this treatment is very common these days, many people still do not really know much about it. Basically, this kind of treatment would entail a substance that would hit the epidermis and cover that part. Now once this substance hits the body, then the next step would be to use a coloring material known as the bronzer.

Basically, this special substance will be put in a booth that has some nozzles that will shoot out the substance. Now in salons, this is placed in a private booth wherein the customer will be going in. Now the nozzles can be located either at the top of the booth or somewhere at the sides of the booth where it can spray the customer.

Now before going into the booth, one has to remember to take a shower because he is not allowed to take shower for five hours after the treatment. Always wash thoroughly in order to take out all the dirt in the skin. It is also advisable to use some exfoliating cream in order to open the pores of the skin.

While it is being applied in the booth, one has to make sure to keep the eyes and mouth closed so that the substance will not go in. If the customer is a woman, then she has to make sure to wear a shower cap at all times so that the substance will not be blocked off by her hair. Once this is already done, then one can now be able move on to the next step.

After one has already been sprayed in the booth, the next thing that will be done will be the application of the bronzer. Now the bronzer is the substance that will be added in order to make the skin darker. This bronzer is the substance that will make the substance that was used earlier turn into a rather brownish color.

Once the bronzer is already applied, then one would have to now wait for several hours for the liquid to spread out through the body. Now while it is spreading throughout the skin, one is not allowed to take a shower because the water will wash away the substance that was put there. Now this would usually take around five hours before actually taking effect.

So if one would want to get a tan really fast, then he may try this out. It is actually extremely easy to do and it does not require long hours of sitting under the hot sun. Another thing that makes this procedure good is that it is not very expensive.

When you are searching for information about <a href="">
spray tan</a>, go to the web pages online here today. You can view details on the <a href="">best self tanner</a> by clicking on these links right now.

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Title: Getting A Spray Tan For Dummies
Author: Haywood Hunter
Keywords: skin care,beauty,sunless tanning,tanning,health issues,general health,cosmetics,skin,natural, organic
Word Count: 499
Category: Beauty
