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Tummy Tuck Tips Offered By Dallas Plastic Surgery Center

With the help of abdominoplasty Dallas residents will enjoy a number of benefits. Much of the loose skin from your stomach can be tightened. Also, unwanted fat from the midsection may be removed. This will give you a more youthful and trim looking figure, and you may want to go to the beach more often. However, there are a few things one should know about the procedure.

Tummy tucks are operations that require recovery time. Most procedures need about 4 to 6 weeks of healing time, so adjust your schedule accordingly. You may be tender and sore for a while and might not be in condition to work for several weeks.

The initial days after surgery are critical, so protect stitches. Sleeping on your stomach or back is not advised and you will be more comfortable on your side. Sitting in chairs is not good for the healing process in the early stages. Avoid things that cause you extra pain and your recovery will be smoother.

Your sutures will eventually be removed, but until then be careful getting them wet. For at least a couple of weeks, one should not take a bath in the bathtub. In fact, you should avoid submersing the body in water for about one month. This means no swimming pools or hot tubs.

Your skin will stay in the right position during healing process when you wear something to keep it in place. To not forget to wear your compression clothing at all times (except in the shower). This garment can help reduce swelling and prevent edema from building up underneath the skin.

Your doctor at the plastic surgery center will provide you with complete instructions for your recovery. Make sure and follow them to the letter and if you have questions call and talk to the staff. With proper care, you should have the kind of results with abdominoplasty Dallas residents love.


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  1. It's nice to see that there are some tips in regards to a tummy tuck. My wife has been telling me about how she is going to get one of these. I'm fairly certain that she doesn't know much about them, so I'll have to pass on this on to her. She is dead set on getting this done. tummy tuck procedure


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