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Ego Eimi is a brand that has always been inspired by how God has worked positive things in life and how He has always provided for people in general. This is a brand of perfume and has developed a perfume line that is inspired by this concept of always having the Holy Spirit inside. This product line is known as Scents of the Spirit.

Now the inspiration behind this product line would be none other than the compassion and mercy of God when it comes to taking care of His creations. The scents are made in such a way that it would represent certain concepts that God possesses when it comes to taking care of humankind. This is a type of collection that both Christians and non Christians would enjoy.

Now this collection would include two very popular scents that have hit popularity ever since it hit the market. Now the names of these two perfumes are none other than Hopeful and Renewed personally made by the creator of Ego Eimi. Now the unique thing about this brand is that it would have some Bible verses written on the side of box of perfume.

The first scent of this collection would be none other than the Hopeful scent which is known to be the sweeter one of the two. Now the story behind the subtle and sweet smell is that the scent would give hope on to the people would smell it. Even if the smell is weak, it is known to stick to the body no matter what happens, just like hope.

Now the message that is written on the box is a verse from the book of Psalms in chapter thirty seven. Just like the name implies, the verse would talk about hope and joy when finding time to be with God. The verse emphasizes that in order to be joyous, one must always be in the presence of God so that he will be at peace.

The second one that is part of the collection is the Renewed scent. Now the scent of Renewed is a little bit stronger than that of Hopeful because this one aims to recharge the energy of a person instead of giving him joy. This is to help those who are tired and would want something to strengthen them so that they can have the power to continue going on with life.

Now the verse that would come from this scent would be none other than a verse from the book of Isaiah chapter forty. Now as the name implies, this verse would concentrate on empowerment and how to be regenerated in spirit. This would concentrate on the rejuvenation of a person as a whole.

So basically, those are the interesting scents that would come from the unique collection of Ego Eimi. These perfumes are designed not only to smell really nice, but they are also designed try to inspire the insides of people. By having a message behind the scent, one will definitely be able to feel better after getting a whiff.
