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If diets have not worked for you , and you hate to exercise , it is always possible to lose weight. When my brother was alive , I'd say "The exercise and I agreed. Did not bother me and does not bother me! " He laughed . Actually it was not fun , though. I've always had a battle with my adsens profit blogger profit 
In May 2012 , however , it was not funny. My A1C1 was out of control to 12.0 ! I am a type 2 diabetic .google adsens profit blogger profit

 My sugar in blood was maintained in 10 years with oral medication and diet. But in the fall of 2011 , I became lazy and arrogant. I stopped taking my medication orally. A1C1 put my outer orbit . The A1C1 is a classification of levels of blood sugar for 3-4 months. 7.0 is the highest level readings acceptable blood sugar known as name A1C1 corner .
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So how did I lose 40 pounds and take my level of blood sugar under control without insulin ?First, I started taking my oral medication for type 2 diabetes again.
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Secondly, I stopped eating after 18:00 . If you are serious about losing weight , apply this rule to your life. No snacks. No late dinner. Be serious and do not eat after 18:00 . Soon you will notice a change in your weight . It will not be a quick or large loss, but what you want is a strategy that will lead to steady weight loss . And it works .
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Third, stop eating sugar and white foods . No white bread , potatoes, or rice, etc. Stop eating sugar. The only thing that sugar does to you is make you want more sugar. No ice cream. No cookies . No cake . No cake. No lines . On the way , stop at the aspartame too. Aspartame kills ants. Did you know ? If you have ants in the kitchen , sprinkle the contents of the package pink and ants disappear within 24 hours. Would you eat ant poison ? Be serious about your health and make these changes.
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Fourth, the protein pump . Eat a hearty breakfast. I have beans, ham and eggs for breakfast most mornings . The weight loss benefits outweigh the potential for an increase in cholesterol. Sometimes I use an anti - cholesterol and walk every day to compensate for the cholesterol medication , weight loss and says I'm on track with my food strategy .
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Visually divide your plate into "rooms" . Fill half your plate with vegetables , one quarter with carbs and a quarter of meat or protein (eg , beans). Come! Do not starve .
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Most diet strategies focus on making your body feel hungry. This causes the body to switch to the prevention of hunger and store more fat . And you have a superior weight loss battle . So if you eat a healthy meal that makes you feel full, but stay away from poison your food (sugar, white foods , colas , wine, etc) , you will lose weight .
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Choose life . Choose health. Make changes before you find yourself in a serious health crisis. You can do it .
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Dan Jenkins is a motivational coach. Help people to update their attitudes, discover your destiny, to renew your mind , controlling your emotions and find real meaning and success in life. For more thoughts and affirmations inspirational motivation, you can visit their Facebook page , fast Attitude: google adsens profit blogger profit
