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Weight loss for teens can be a struggle , it's true. You must help your teen lose weight , however, before it's too late! Intervene , take action and bring the whole family on the road to better health.
There are so many health problems arising from obesity in young children and teens today . Unfortunately, due to changes in our lifestyle today and our poor eating habits, statistics show that up to 15% of children aged 6-19 years are overweight ( Our children and teenagers! ) What is the cause of this problem? Unfortunately, the answer to this is not as easy as you might think.
Here is an attempt to highlight some of the most important factors contributing to obesity in general has become the hallmark of our company brand :
A . Prepared foods, fast food and fast life , certainly play a role
The eating habits of our children have really changed for the worse ! Difficult economic conditions require most women to work these days . Mothers are not totally in control of what your family eats . It is no longer possible for a mother to make sure that your family eats a healthy and balanced diet. Mothers no longer have the time to take care of your family 's eating habits . Most women come home so late that they have to resort to ready meals and fast food regularly.
Two . Too many restaurant meals
It became the norm to eat many meals in restaurants. Most restaurants are not particularly concerned by the service nutritious meals and healthy at all . They only care about serving tasty meals your customers will love . The best way to make tasty dishes are adding more oil, more cream , butter and other additives that are not good to be eaten in such quantities . Many easy meals available at the point of retail or fast food rich seasonings fried or dredging . These foods are even weight loss for teens struggling !
Three . Teenagers are too inactive
Children today spend too many hours watching TV , working on the computer or video games. Person at home to encourage them to be a little more active . A busy no time for household tasks often end up eating family meals less satisfactory. We all reach for packaged meals or fast food too many times per week ! Again, this causes almost impossible weight loss for teens.
Given these adverse circumstances, many obese teenagers are proof of this frightening reality . Before it is too late , something must be done. You must intervene and lose weight for her youngest son in a fight ! In this difficult situation , you need to find weight loss programs specifically for your teen.
Here are some steps you can take :
A . Consult a professional weight loss
If the situation is very bad, it is best to start with a visit to a professional weight loss to be able to determine all the factors that contribute to the weight problem of his son. It will be easier for a doctor to diagnose how much weight should be paid by calculating the body mass index of your teen. From there, a plan for action. Having a realistic goal that can help facilitate weight loss for teens.
Two . Take your child's health into account
First your child needs to understand that this has nothing to do with being thin or obese by the standards of others, the doctor will know what weight your teen needs to lose the pace of weight loss and Weather program must follow. The doctor will take all health issues related to obesity into account, such as hypertension , the rise and fall of blood sugar , heart disease and blood circulation .
Three . Take note of the psychological issues involved
A weight loss program for your child will also deal with the psychological aspects . You should know how your child will be able to cope with all the experience of weight loss . Staying on a diet weight loss a lot of motivation.
4 Motivation for participation
To help your child in their efforts to lose weight, it is better to change the eating habits of the whole family. After all , it is likely that poor eating habits of the family that caused the problem in the first place . Make sure there is no food you serve are not suitable for food at home. You also need to become more active as a family . Try to set aside time for family activities regularly. Go for a walk , kick a ball in the garden, all we can do together is fun .
May One last tip
An official program and expensive weight loss for your teen may be an option if you can afford it. He probably will not be necessary if the whole family works together to achieve a goal of better health . Inform families can make their own weight loss program approved by your doctor. Most of the time a change healthy habits are all that is needed!
Attention, poor diet can wreak havoc on the health of your child! Visit Hendrika good advice on weight loss in adolescents. Jump to: [ ] can also get very good help nature on its website :
