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A big layer comprising of fat that lies over your abdominal muscles is known as belly fat. The major reason behind you developing belly fat is stress. When you are stressed quite often, your body secretes a hormone known as cortisol. This hormone signals your liver to liberate sugar in excess amounts than what your body needs. The excess sugar liberated in turn triggers in you the sense of hunger, so you tend to eat often and therefore gain more fat. This fat gets deposited all over your body, but in higher proportion in your belly region. This is because your abdominal region is provided with greater number of cortisol receptors than any other part of your body.
Other reasons behind your belly fat development are overeating, laziness, being physically less active, and starving yourself to lose weight.
Exercising is one great way to lose belly fat. Belly exercises focus mainly on your abdominal area, and therefore generate quicker results than any other kind of exercises. Abdominal exercises are however not a way to lose belly fat, as they only help you build up and strengthen the muscles in your abdominal region. They in no way help you lose belly fat.
We will provide you with the knowledge of some exercises that help you burn abdominal fat and flatten your belly. There are many abdominal fat burning exercises. We have listed below several exercises that would help you burn abdominal fat. Practice any one of the following set of exercises in the order given below, and you will see its results in a few weeks.
Set one abdominal workout
Select any two exercises according to your convenience from the following exercises and practice them.
Exercise no. 1: Lie on a mat with your back and let your feet flat touching the ground. Let both of your hands be at 90 degree angle to your body, and pressed to the ground. Breathe in and breathe out. While you breathe out, shift your knees to your left side so as to reach the floor. You will be getting a tensed feel at your belly sides. Now do the same exercise on the other side too. Practice this for 5 times.
Exercise no. 2: Lay your back flat on the surface of a mat. Lift up your legs and your upper body at 30 degree angle and withhold it for thirty seconds. Now come back to the initial position. Throughout the asana, try to breathe normally. You can repeat this asana for a minimum of ten times and a maximum of thirty times daily. This exercise is known as the NaukasanaYoga Asana, and it helps your upper and lower abdominal region to tighten and contract.
Exercise no. 3: lay your back on the ground, putting your hands on your sides. Curl up your head. Without using any effort from your arms, try to lift up yourself. This exercise is known as curl up.
Exercise no. 4: lay your back bending your knees and keeping your feet flat on the floor at a 90 degree angle. Keep your hands at the back of your head. Try to pull your knees inwards towards your chest while breathing in. Lift your upper body to a thirty degree angle and withhold for a period of three seconds and then release by breathing out. Practice this for fifteen times.
Exercise no. 5: Kneel down with your heels pointing in an upward direction. Pull your head to the ground and feel the tension on your belly. Withhold for a period of ten seconds, and then get back to the initial position. Practice this exercise for ten times.
Exercise no. 6: While sitting on your knees, let your heels touch your buttock. Now keep your hands on your belly and shift your head in the direction of the ground. You will feel a tension on your belly part. Withhold for a period of thirty seconds and then get back to the initial position. Practice this for ten times.
Set two abdominal work out
Select any two of the following exercises.
Exercise no. 1: Lay your back flat on the ground and bend your knees at an angle of 90 degree. Raise your hip slightly higher and withhold for a period of 5 to 10 seconds. Practice this for 15 times.
Exercise no. 2: Kneel down and point your heels in an upward direction. Push your belly part outwards while placing your arms on your knees and arching your back.This is known as Ushtrasana Yoga Asana. Practice this asana for 10 times initially and increase the number of times gradually to 30.
Exercise no. 3: Lay your body flat on the ground while keeping your hands at the back o your head. Keep your feet over a bench or a chair so that your upper legs make an angle of 90 degree with it. Tense your abdomen by raising your upper back from the floor.
Exercise no. 4: lay your back on a mat placing your hands at the back of your head. Tense your abdominal region and withhold it for a period o two seconds. Now return back to the initial position. Repeat this for 15 times.
Exercise no. 5: Lay your back flat on the ground over a mat and pretend to be cycling by moving your legs. Make gradual pedalling motions alternatively with both o your legs. Do this exercise for thirty seconds while breathing normally.
Exercise no. 6: This is a post natal exercise. That is, this exercise is to be practiced if you have developed a fat belly following your delivery. Tense and relax your abdominal, perineal and pelvic muscles alternatively in order to strengthen them. Suck in your stomach as hard as possible, and hold on for a period of ten seconds. Let it relax now. This post natal exercise which involves the contraction and relaxation of several muscles can be performed in any position like standing, sitting, or lying.
Award Winning Diet To Lose Belly Fat
If you are serious about losing belly fat, checkout this award winning belly fat diet plan with huge varieties of menus. Over 2 Million members have already opted for this diet plan with huge success. You will also get exclusive access to virtual trainers, online dietitians, fitness experts, a mentor, and a community support of 2 million members like you who want to lose weight.
Click Here to get your custom diet plan and exercise routines to lose belly fat.
