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There are no magic pills is about smart choices . Nobody is perfect . Just move in the direction of getting better every day.

Think of your diet as a lifestyle for longevity. Eat a wide variety of products based on what you have done and what you are doing all natural whole foods.

Enjoy what you love without guilt, but eat healthy most of the time .

After winning meals, not cheat meal. When you eat the right foods most of the time the possibility of eating that you will win. How often depends on your individual goals. Disappointment leads to a negative image. Do not be negative about something you've earned .

Do not stress . Stressing on your diet is against because stress is directly related to weight gain .

5 Tips to Lose Weight Fast
1 - Drink water . Discard any liquid high in calories but drink plenty of fluids , especially water .

The lack of water affects the kidneys and liver. This prevents fat burning . When dehydrated, your body also catches the little water as you , making you feel bloated .

Drinking enough water brings everything back into balance . Water may also improve metabolism . Your body works more efficiently when hydrated accelerate weight loss .

2 - Reduce salt. The salt is not bad, but too much can cause problems.

Salt does not cause your body to gain or lose fat . But the high salt intake causes your body to retain water. Reduce salt in your diet causes your body to throw the weight of the water . A little salt is necessary for health in order not to cut completely.

The salt-rich diets are also associated with weight gain. This is due to high levels of salt are generally found in dense calories unhealthy processed foods.

3 - Rinse highly processed foods . Highly processed foods often lack essential nutrients and are high in bad fats , sugar and artificial chemicals.

Your process very different from whole foods makes the body highly processed foods . Some highly processed foods overstimulate the neurotransmitter pleasure , dopamine , which can lead to cravings.

Processed foods also cause the temptation to overeat , which can lead to other health problems. Stick with natural foods .

4 - Double leafy greens . Leafy vegetables are nutritious and come in a wide variety.

Vegetables such as kale , spinach , kale , cabbage , broccoli and others are some of the nutrient dense foods on the most basic one calorie per calorie .

They are rich in fiber, which keeps you feeling full . Fiber can also lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and moderate blood sugar by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates after meals change. Green vegetables also contain a lot of water , which helps keep you hydrated .

5 - Prioritize sleep. Jump packs sleeping on books.

It can also impair the effectiveness of your diet. People who sleep less are more likely to be overweight or obese.

Not tempted by junk food. The Harvard research shows that lack a few hours of sleep can also make you more sensitive to junk food . The prefrontal cortex is very sensitive to lack of sleep and is the part of the brain responsible for self-control.
