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What Are Planks Exercises for Abs?

Planks are one of the best ways to strengthen a weak core and get you on your way to achieving those 6 pack abs! Planks also help develop strength in your shoulders, arms, and glutes... but what are planks? Even though you aren't lifting any weight, you are consistently contracting your abs to hold the position. Planks are a great exercise that you can perform at home or anywhere for that matter. No equipment necessary.

Position your body to be almost parallel to the floor using your ab muscles to stabilize yourself and hold the position.

Begin by getting on all fours on the floor and put yourself into a standard push up position. The difference is that you're resting on your elbows versus your hands. Your weight will be carried on your forearms to balance yourself.

Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders and your body should be in a straight line from your head to your toes. Clench your butt and squeeze in your abdominals and hold the plank as long as you can.

The initial idea is that you work up to holding the plank position between 30 to 60 seconds per set.

Now that we've answered the question of "what are planks" There are a couple of variations you can do with the plank to mix it up as you become stronger and more comfortable with the exercise. Remember with any ab exercise, the goal is to constantly be challenging your muscles and learn to train them differently.

There are many solutions to mix up your planks to make them more challenging and exciting. First, try doing side planks to get 6 pack abs! Rest all your weight on your left forearm and rest your right foot on top of your left. Push your core up off the ground while clenching your butt and squeezing your abs. Hold it for as long as you can, and switch sides to continue.

Another variation is to lift one leg up. By raising one leg in the air, you are increasing the amount of pressure on your core to fight your body's urge to rotate.

You also try lifting one arm up, but once again your body will want to default to one side so you must fight that urge and pull through!

Try using a fitness ball (Swiss ball) and rest your forearms on the ball. You will have to stabilize your body to prevent the ball from rolling out from underneath you.

The most challenging plank is the walkup to pushup. This type of plank requires that you hold the plank position while moving your body at the same time. This adds a whole new level of intensity to the exercise!

Zuzka Light (zuzkalight) is America's Hottest Fitness sensation. With 20 million YouTube views and a newly redesigned website and blog, Zuzka is taking the Fitness World by storm!
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