Fitness for Women Over 40

Fitness Over 40
• Focus on good nutrition. No change in style more powerful life.
• Exercise daily . Only 15 to 20 minutes of brisk walking will increase your heart rate and increase endorphins. Just get up and move, be it golf , dancing or playing tennis. Exercise can significantly reduce blood pressure and provide more benefits to your health and well-being.
• Take vitamin D each day. Research is to discover how it is important for bone health and immune system . Talk to your doctor about the dosage.
• Supplement Coenzyme Q1 ( CO) . Every cell in your body needs to function . As we age, the co - enzyme decreases, so that grandparents , look!
• Get your magnesium by eating seeds banana , sunflower seeds and spinach , to name a few sources. Zinc deficiency accelerates the aging process .
• Get your omega-s. A handful of nuts, a serving of salmon or flaxseed oil will provide .
• Recharge your body with 15 minutes of sun per day . It gives your body the vitamin D you need . Use sunscreen on exposed skin.
• Get a massage. Massage has been practiced as a healing therapy for centuries in nearly every culture around the world. Helps relieve muscle tension, reduce stress, and evoke a sense of calm. Although massage affects the body as a whole, it particularly influences the activity of the musculoskeletal , circulatory , lymphatic, and nervous system .
• Take probiotics. They are ideal for digestion and help keep the good bacteria in the digestive tract.
• Eat plenty of garlic and onion. They help lower cholesterol and improve circulation.
• Drink plenty of purified water per day . This cleanses the organs and rids your body of excess sodium. It is very good for your skin too .
• Having goals . The process of struggle and achievement is a wonderful way to enrich your life and offers even more reasons to live healthy and feel happy .
• Drink ginger tea . It absorbs and neutralizes toxins in the stomach. Irritation of the intestinal wall is diminished. I try to drink a cup of ginger tea a day.
• Take vitamins . Vitamins interact better with food , so take your largest meal .
• Take care of your emotional and spiritual health. Your body responds to thoughts . Positive thoughts extend the body and negative thoughts of this contract. The body needs to grow in order to be healthy. Therefore, if you want the most positive things that happen , have more positive thoughts.
• Be kind to yourself. Realize that we all do our best with the information we have. Forgiving, kind and loving to everyone, including you.
• View each day as a gift to be alive .
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Weight loss in the city - Theodora lost 50 pounds in 2009 and since then has run three marathons . If you are interested in losing weight, Theodora is full of inspiration.
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Sweat N Sass - Your own description, it gets better, this blog is "a place for active living , health , wellbeing and that little bit of kick-fitness women ass attitude to help you conquer your goals. "
Blog - Friedrich Cathe Friedrich is no joke when it comes to fitness. This blog is not for babies .
The Fitnessista - Gina is a wife, army fitness instructor / fitness for fitness for womenpersonal trainer and Level 1 certified raw food chef .fitness women She shares recipes and killer workouts!
Blogilates - writings by the amazing creator of POP Pilates, this blog has everything, one of the most complete fitness blogs online. Discover gym schedules .
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