When you start exercising, accept that you have nothing to lose - except excess weight and fat - provided you eat sensibly and remain active.
No one can force you to make a lifestyle change. Ultimately the decision lies with you - the reformed exerciser. After a few weeks of exercise, something should stick... You may try and fight it, but appreciate the changes that occur, both in mind and in body.
The beauty of repetition is that after a while it becomes habit. By exercising regularly, eating more healthily and looking after yourself in-between, you will have no choice but to look and feel better as you see considerable change, both physically and mentally.
Next time you hear yourself asking negative questions like 'what's the point?', answer them honestly. Forget the answers that you think you should give, like 'it's good for me' or 'it will help me to live longer'. Instead think about the more motivational reasons that may be deep inside your head:
2. You're intrigued to see what can be achieved with this Plan 3. You want to look good!
4. You want to prove that exercise doesn't scare you
5. You want to achieve a goal
6. Because you want to change your life
The sooner you let exercise become a part of your life (however small), and not see it as a threat, the more chance you have of feeling its benefits. It may even begin to take root and flourish into a regular activity that you enjoy and appreciate... You could be surprised!
The longer you accept these thoughts as excuses, the harder you will find it to make a positive change. I spent years putting off the thought of exercise. Until the day I decided that exercise no longer had a hold over me, and that I could meet it halfway, it continued to scare me off starting. It's time for you to break free of those chains of thoughts and get started!
Simon Dainton is a Certified Personal Trainer and founder of Fitstreet Ladies Boot Camps in the UK. His Programs of Lifestyle change guarantee clients results, combining effective exercise, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. For your FREE 1 Week Trial, go to http://www.fitstreetbootcamp.co.uk/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Dainton
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